Students and Parents » Attendance


Attendance Regulations

Any student who is absent from school must present a written excuse, signed by his/her parent/legal guardian or documentation of a medical appointment.  The school administration will keep all excuses confidential.  If a student fails to bring a valid excuse to school within 3 days of the absence, he/she will automatically receive an unexcused absence.  If a student brings a false (or forged) excuse, the student will be referred to the school administration for appropriate action.


  • Students/parents may turn in written and medical excuses to the main office or email excuses to Anna Perry at [email protected]. 
  • Ten written parent notes will be accepted as excused absences for the school year.
  • Medical excuses are not limited.


A student will be considered tardy if not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings at 8:00 am. Promptness in reporting to school is vitally important. Children who are frequently tardy in the mornings create a time-consuming process that disturbs the learning environment. Attendance, lunch count, and early assignments are affected by tardy students. Tardies and absences are indicated on a child’s permanent record. Please note:

  • Students arriving late due to bus schedules are not counted tardy and may eat breakfast.
  • Students who accumulate ten tardies and/or ten early dismissals will not receive public recognition for perfect attendance.
Please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for more information about attendance regulations and truancy intervention procedures.